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Lesser Known Species – Dugong

Considered as an inspiration for the myth of mermaids and sirens, the dugong is a species of sea cows found through the warm latitudes of the Indian and western Pacific oceans. With an average life span of 70 years, these large animals, often reaching lengths of more than 13 feet, are the only existing species …

Environmental Problems Caused By Dams

Most dams are built to store water to compensate for fluctuations in river flow, thereby providing a measure of human control over water resources, or to raise the level of water upstream to either increase hydraulic head or enable diversion of water into a canal. The creation of storage and head allows dams to generate …

21 Sustainable New Year Resolutions

2020. A year of turmoil. A year of endless mishaps. A year of infinite lessons. One lesson which we all have learnt, irrespective of our origin, race or gender, is that nature never forgets. That the Earth is not for ours to abuse and disrespect. That we are nothing without her, but she would be …

What is Bioremediation and how is it useful?

On march 24th, 1989 the oil tanker Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef in the Prince William Sound region of Alaska to begin one of the biggest maritime fatalities at that time. The tanker slammed into the reef around 12am local time releasing 10.8 million gallons of oil into waters of Prince William Sound as the …

Are genetically modified organisms safe?

The word ‘Biotechnology’ may seem quite modern but we humans have been using biotechnology since the dawn of civilization. The yeast used for making bread, the fermentation technique for breweries, cheese, yoghurt making and the algae used for baking of cakes and pastries are all a part of biotechnological process used since ancient times. Selective …

Invaders of Plant Kingdom

Around 2 million years back, the early humans started migrating from African continent carrying along with them, parasites, pathogens and domesticated animals to other places around the world. Thus, modern humans colonized the entire planet and can be considered amongst the most successful invasive species of all time. Invasive species also called as alien species …

Forest Martyr’s Day

On, 11th september, 1730 363 Bishnois from Jodhpur were massacred in Khejarali by Rajasthan’s Maharaja Abhay Singh while they were trying to protect Khejri trees from cutting down which are considered scared in their community. Amrita Devi and her three daughters offered their heads instead of trees. They were beheaded by the army of Abhay …

Single-Use plastic and how it affects our environment?

Human-beings are addicted to plastic. Plastic has been a part of our lives since the 19th century but it wasn’t until 1980’s that it made its way in every household on earth. Who knew that accidentally discovered Polyethylene which would go on to become the most used material in the world will come at a …

How is Climate Change going to affect us?

How is Climate Change going to affect us? Thomas Newcomen, a British an ironmonger invented the first widely used steam engine in 1712 that paved a way to the industrial revolution. Since then human ambition has known no bounds. We have achieved marvels in technology and medical science. But, at what cost? Not long ago …

Veganism and Alternatives

Being vegan may seem very appealing to some but to follow vegan diet is quite an arduous journey. The term ‘Vegan’ was coined by Donald Watson, an Animal Rights Activist in the year 1940 who stated that animals should not be hurt for food and other purposes. Some people follow a simple vegan diet, avoid …

Peepal Tree and its importance

Ficus religiosa is also called as sacred fig. As per Hinduism, roots of this tree is considered to represent Lord Brahma, trunk represents Lord Vishnu and leaves, Lord Shiva. It said that under this tree, Buddha got enlightenment. According to our Vedas and Upanishads, Peepal tree is the abode of Gods, therefore many people pray …