2020. A year of turmoil. A year of endless mishaps. A year of infinite lessons. One lesson which we all have learnt, irrespective of our origin, race or gender, is that nature never forgets. That the Earth is not for ours to abuse and disrespect. That we are nothing without her, but she would be fine even without us.
Humans have been polluting the Earth ever since the “Industrial Era”, all because we wanted to make our lives easier. Faster transport, cheaper materials and what not. Our greeds were uncontrollable. We were so blinded by our needs that we couldn’t see how badly we were treating the Earth. And even when we did realize it, the damage was too gruesome to solve easily, or so we thought.
However, this year, when all of us were confined to our homes, not only did we notice an improvement in the air quality (due to negligible usage of automobiles) but we also noticed significant changes in the surroundings; the birds were chirping, the rivers were becoming cleaner and the animals were roaming around carefree. All this happened only because we weren’t there to destroy it. This speaks volumes on how deeply we impact the Earth and how solving environmental issues might be a bit difficult in the beginning, but isn’t entirely impossible.
So, with this thought, let’s move towards a greater year. Let’s make 2021 a year of new traditions. It’s high time we start thinking about the environment too. Let us incorporate at least one goal in our resolutions, dedicated towards the betterment of the Earth. Reduce water wastage, plant 5 trees, refuse plastics, recycle clothes. Anything which would be possible at an individual level. Not only will this benefit the Earth but also help us realize that this is our home, and we need to take care of it. Let us all vouch to do better, to be better. This new year let’s work together and make the Earth a better place.
Let’s Adopt these 21 Sustainable Practices this new year
- Purchase a Reusable Water Bottle
Disposable water bottles have a carbon footprint of almost 800g of carbon dioxide and if thrown in landfills, they can even have a greater negative effect. By investing in a reusable water bottle, not only will you reduce your carbon footprint and help reduce pollution, but you will also save a lot of money in the long run.
- Use Rechargeable Batteries
Rechargeable batteries have up to 32 times less impact on the environment and 28 times less potential impact on climate change than disposable batteries. They might be a little expensive but they save on cost by reducing the need to frequently purchase new ones.
- Start Recycling
The easiest and the most impactful way to quickly and easily reduce your carbon footprint is recycling. It eliminates the need for production of new materials and also cuts the need for those materials to be transported, thereby reducing a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
- Upcycle More, Purchase Less
Try to repurpose old products into new, useful things and showcase your creative side while cutting costs and saving the environment.
- Say “No” to Plastic Straws
Plastic straws are one of the main ocean pollutants and are ingested by marine life. Instead, you can look for more environment friendly options such as stainless steel or a bamboo straw.
- Carry a Reusable Shopping Bag
Plastic bags are consumed by unaware wildlife, causing harm and even death. Whales are being found with plastic bags in their stomachs. Sea turtles are also mistaking plastic bags for food. Shopping with reusable bags everywhere you shop is a simple way to reduce ocean pollution and prevent these deaths. It also helps you reduce consumption, prevent deforestation, and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
- Composting at Home
When you compost, you’re putting valuable nutrients back into the soil and creating nutrient-rich mulch for use in gardening. Composting reduces greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide and you end up with a beautiful garden.
- Volunteer for an organization/important cause
Try to volunteer for a cause you feel is important and utilize your free time by working for something beneficial to the society.
- Spend More Time Outdoors in Nature
Spending time outdoors makes us feel good and improves our health. So try to spend as much time as possible in nature and rejuvenate yourself.
- Opt for Reusable Over Single- and One-Use As Much As Possible
Most of our plastic ends up in landfills, our oceans and waterways, and the environment. Plastics do not biodegrade. Instead they slowly break down into smaller pieces of plastic called microplastics which may enter the food chain and accumulate in our body over the years.
- Quit Cigarettes
Not only cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health, cigarette butts contain chemicals that contaminate our waterways and ground soil and harm our wildlife. Quit cigarettes and save your life and the lives of those around you.
- Quit Carbonated Beverages (Coke, Pepsi)
Carbonated beverages are not only bad for your body but also for the environment. Companies such as Coca Cola have been accused of depleting many water resources and thus affecting local agriculture. So try and quit carbonated beverages this year and save your body as well as the environment.
- Say no to fast fashion
The fashion industry is the second-most polluting industry in the world, after the oil industry. Cheap fashion also supports the petroleum-based, highly toxic synthetic fabric and dye industry, and uses tons of fossil fuels during farming, manufacturing and shipping. This year, consider whether you need any new clothes at all, and if so, only buy what you need.
- Start feeding one stray animal around you
Try to take care of at least one stray animal around you. You can always start by feeding it.
- Plant 5 Trees this year
To make the air around you purer, plant a few trees and take care of them as they grow.
- Pick Up One Piece Of Litter Each Day
Try to help keep your surroundings clean and green by picking just a piece of litter you see each day.
- Buy Only Local & Regional Produce
The transportation of goods is a huge source of greenhouse gas emissions. When you reduce the distance that a product needs to travel, you reduce the amount of gasoline that is burned during transport. Also, try buying fresh, organic food fruits, vegetables, and eggs whenever possible. Visiting your local farmer’s market is great for your health and the planet’s. By shopping locally, you will also be supporting local businesses and making the economy stronger.
- Reduce paper towel/ tissue usage instead carry a handkerchief
Try to reduce deforestation by making a contribution as small ass giving up paper towels and tissues for handkerchiefs. Not only are they environment friendly but will also save money in the longer run.
- Spread the knowledge, educate your friends empower them to create change
Try to create awareness about the environment around you and what better way than to start with your family and friends. If everyone contributes even a little, it can lead to a huge positive impact on the environment.
- Unplug from Gadget once in a while
Try to keep that phone aside just for a few hours on a weekend and reconnect with yourself and nature.
- Reduce meat consumption
Reducing your meat consumption is probably one of the best things you can do for your planet this year. Raising livestock creates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all vehicle emissions combined. Reducing the amount of animal products you consume can make a huge difference in your personal carbon footprint.